This page describes how we manage the website regarding the processing of personal data of the users. The informations are provided according to art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree n° 169/2003 (Code for the protection of personal data) to anyone who interacts with online services. The informations concern only the website and not other sites which the user may visit by clicking on links.


The sole responsible for the treatment of personal data is Luca Riccitelli, Loc. Marischio – Ca’Maiano 92-92/A



The treatment of data related to the online services of this website occurs in the aforementioned headquarter of the company and is carried out by personnel expressly appointed by the responsible for the treatment. No data arising from the online service is communicated or spread.



Navigation data
This website is operated through informatic systems and software procedures which collect, during its normal functioning, some personal data which transmission is standard and implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. Such data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (eg . success, error) and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment of the user. Such data may be used in order to detect responsibilities connected to possible informatic crimes against the website. The website is also monitored through a software that allows to perform statistics on the frequency of access to site itself, although anonymously, without any possibility to trace identifiable elements.

Voluntarily provided data
The optional, explicit and voluntary forwarding of e-mails to the adresses listed in this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address in order to respond to requests, as well as any other data included in the message. This information is classified and treated as personal according to art. 4 of Italian Legislative Decree n° 196/2003 and therefore is only treated by specifically appointed personnel. These data are treated exclusively in order to respond to user’s enquiries, with no possibility of communication or dissemination to third parties. Regarding their conservation, such data are kept just as long as they are needed for the aforementioned purpose, then they are cancelled.

No personal data is collected by the website regarding cookies. Cookies aren’t used for transmission of personal information, nor are used “persistent cookies” of any kind or other user tracing systems. The use of session cookies (which aren’t memorised permanently on the user’s computer and disappear once the browser is quitted) is strictly limited to the purpose of transmitting session IDs (casual numbers generated by the server) in order to allow a safe and efficient browsing of the website.

Optional nature of providing data?
Apart from what already mentioned regarding navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data by sending an email to the addres specified in the website for inquiries, informations or other communications. It must be remembered that in some cases, apart from the ordinary management of this site, the Authority can request information under art. 156 of Italian Legislative Decree n° 196/2003, for the purpose of controlling the processing of personal data; in such cases it is mandatory to respond, upon penalty of a fine.

Access to personal information
Every user has the right to ascertain the existence of personal data stored in the site, to know the related content and origin and to verify if they are accurate, complete and up to date and possibly ask for their integration, update or correction under art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree n° 196/2003. Under the said Law, users have also the right to ask Luca Riccitelli Driving Academy to delete them, make them anonymous, block them whenever they are treated in violation of the Law and, in any case, oppose to their treatment for legitimate reasons. Please note that information of more personal nature, such as private email addresses or phone numbers are collected, stored and treated only by the responsible of the treatment and are never disclosed to third parties. The requests connected to the exercise of the aforementioned rights shall be addressed to the responsible of the treatment.
If you sign up to our newsletter, we may use your e-mail address to send you information about our products and services. At any stage you can ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes.